Monday 18th May


You can either complete one page from the handwriting book or write the following paragraph into your copy in joined writing. 

One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let go again.


Mental Maths: Week 31 Monday. 
Hit the Button: Practice your tables in Hit the Button. Let me know your score on Seesaw


Litrigh é Linn: p 61
Ceannóidh mé
I will buy
Tosóidh mé 
I will start
Baileoidh mé 
I will collect
Dúiseoidh mé
I will wake up
We will buy
We will start
We will collect
We will wake up

Spellbound: A&B
Creative writing: Write a story based on one of the pictures below. Try to come up with a really creative idea! Remember to include capital letters, full stops and paragraphs :)

'Caught In The Act' by Mary McGowan Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards

comedy wildlife seals

dog owner halloween parade


Draw/Paint: What sort of things do you miss about being in school? 

  • Write some of the things you miss about school and decorate your picture. 
  • Send a photo of yourself holding your picture on Seesaw. 
  • I will put everyone's pictures together and we can make a class collage!

Have a look at my example below!


PE with Joe Wicks: Click here


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